Tuesday, February 19, 2008


i'm sick.

i'm achy, and cranky, and generally feeling terrible. my gastro-intestinal tract is currently in "delicate" condition. and i can't, fall, asleep.

i'm supposed to open the store tomorrow, but i'm trying to scramble and find someone to take my hours. (so far, no luck, and the calls were made like, over an hour ago. not good.)

my entire brain seems devoted to telling me exactly how my body feels. my skin is super-sensitive; taking off my work shirt and putting on a t-shirt was a painful experience.

and dear sweet god, i just found someone to cover my shift for me. i am so, fucking, happy right now. about that.

i'm not happy that i feel like a lumpy flesh-sack. which is what i feel like. i can't do anything. i can't think well. i can't fall asleep. i can't eat. i can't read. even video-games are beyond me.

being sick, fucking sucks.

and my friend M. went to the emergency room, and i don't know why yet. but she was able to text me, so i'm guessing she's mostly all right.

i hate everything. i'm going to bed now.

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