Thursday, February 7, 2008

I May Be an Utter Doofus

things is bad.

today i had to ask someone else if i liked them. because i genuinely didn't know if i liked them.

i don't trust my gut when it comes to quasi-romantic stuff anymore, because i just don't. i'm not getting into it right now.

i don't trust my gut, so i just ignored my first impressions and decided i would keep talking to him. if i liked him, he would grow on me until it became obvious. right?

no. its been a month or two, and i was still confused. so i asked.

he told me, quite honestly, that no, i definitely did not like him, but i would find somebody yet, so don't fret.

the sad thing is, he's completely right. i don't like him. its not a question of him being an acquired taste, or his being a different kind of person than i normally get involved with. i just don't like him.

god bless the internet for making such things possible.

and god bless me for being such a hapless, though lovable (maybe?), twit.

and god bless him, for being honest.

i really need professional help...

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